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How to Choose the Right Boat Canopy for Your Vessel

How to Choose the Right Boat Canopy for Your Vessel

Choosing the right boat canopy for your vessel is an investment in comfort, safety, and durability. It’s a decision that has the potential to enhance your boating experiences dramatically. Yet, it can feel overwhelming given the myriad of options available on...
Welding Types And Definitions: An Overview

Welding Types And Definitions: An Overview

If you’re interested in welding, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of welding and their definitions. Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal together using heat and pressure. It’s a useful skill that can be used for many...
Owning A Boat: Costs And Expenses

Owning A Boat: Costs And Expenses

When most people think about boating, they imagine an expensive-looking boat with an illustrious name stylized on its side-essentially something they could never dream of affording. What they don’t know is owning and maintaining a boat can be a lot cheaper than you...
All About Weld Cracking

All About Weld Cracking

Welding is a safe and reliable process tested and perfected over the years of human existence, but it comes with its fair share of risk when done wrong. During the process of welding, a plethora of things could go very wrong indeed, including but not quite limited to...